Banking Sign In

Persons hands writing a personal bank check using a pen while working on a laptop computer

Bank of Iberia has a variety of checking account options to fit your lifestyle. Please contact the bank and let one of our friendly account representatives help you decide which account is right for you.


Free Checking
  • Minimum deposit to open the account: $25.00
  • Minimum monthly balance to avoid a monthly service charge: none
  • Transaction limitations: none
  • Statement type: A monthly statement will be provided without check images.
  • Dormant fee: You must make a deposit or a withdrawal at least once every 186 days or maintain a minimum balance of $500.00 or you will be charged $3.00 per month.
Regular Checking
  • Minimum deposit to open account: $25.00
  • Minimum monthly balance to avoid a monthly service charge: $500.00
  • Monthly balances and service charges: $499.99 or less $6.00
  • Transaction limitations: none
  • Statement type: A monthly statement will be provided with check images.
  • To avoid a service charge for the statement period you must maintain a minimum balance of $500.00. If you open this account with less than $500.00 you will be subject to an immediate minimum balance fee.
  • Dormant fee: You must make a deposit or a withdrawal at least once every 186 days or maintain a minimum balance of $500.00 or you will be charged $3.00 per month.
Regular Business Checking
  • Minimum deposit to open the account: $25.00
  • Minimum monthly balance to avoid a monthly service charge: $500.00
  • Monthly balances and service charges: $499.99 or less $6.00
  • To avoid a service charge for the statement period you must maintain a minimum balance of $500.00. If you open this account with less than $500.00 you will be subject to an immediate minimum balance fee.
  • Separate Fee Schedule: See the accompanying fee schedule for fees that may be assessed to your account.
  • Transaction limitations: There are no limits on the number of transactions or limits on transaction amounts.
  • Regulation E Requirements: Regulation E does not apply to this account.
  • Regulation GG Requirements: Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) prohibits restricted transactions (transactions engaging in betting/wagering knowingly with another person) for this account.
  • Dormant fee: You must make a deposit or a withdrawal at least once every 186 days or maintain a minimum balance of $500.00 or you will be charged $3.00 per month.
Classic First Club Checking
  • Requirements: Must be 55 years of age and maintain the account as agreed
  • Minimum deposit to open the account: $25.00
  • Frequency of interest rate changes: We may change the interest rate on your account at any time.
  • Determination of interest rate: At our discretion, we may change the interest rate for your account.
  • Minimum monthly balance required to earn annual percentage yield: $500.00
  • Dormant fee: You must make a deposit or a withdrawal at least once every 186 days or maintain a minimum balance of $500.00 or you will be charged $3.00 per month.
  • Compounding and crediting: Interest will be compounded and credited monthly when your statement is produced. The number of days in your statement period will vary from month to month due to the statement printing schedule. If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not be paid any accrued interest.
  • Balance Computation Method: We use the daily collected balance method to determine the balance on which we calculate the interest on your account. This method applies the daily periodic rate to the collected balance in the account each day that the collected balance is $500.00 or more.
  • Accrual of Interest: Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for noncash items.
  • Statement type: A monthly statement will be provided with check images.
  • Benefits:
    • Two boxes of personalized club checks per year at no charge
    • Unlimited image check processing
    • Free Notary Service
    • Free Personal Money Orders
    • First Debit/ATM card free per accountholder
    • Free small safe deposit box
NOW Checking

Checking account that offers competitive interest rates.

  • Minimum deposit to open the account: $1500.00
  • Minimum monthly balance to avoid a monthly service charge: $1000.00
  • Frequency of interest rate changes: We may change the interest rate on your account at any time.
  • Determination of interest rate: At our discretion, we may change the interest rate for your account.
  • Compounding and Crediting: Interest will be compounded and credited on the last day of the statement period. The number of days between statements will vary according to the statement-printing schedule. If you close your account before the interest is credited, you will not receive any accrued interest.
  • Balance Computation Method: We use the daily collected balance method to determine the balance on which your interest is calculated. This method applies the periodic rate to the daily collected balance each day.
  • Accrual of Interest: Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day you receive credit for the deposit of noncash items.
  • Minimum monthly balance required to earn annual percentage yield: $1500.00
  • Monthly maintenance fee: $2.50
  • Per check charge: $0.25
  • Monthly balances and service charges: $999.99 or less $5.00
  • Dormant fee: You must make a deposit or a withdrawal at least once every 186 days or maintain a minimum balance of $500.00 or you will be charged $3.00 per month.
  • Statement type: A monthly statement will be provided with check images.
IBank Club Checking
  • Minimum deposit to open the account: $25.00
  • Monthly service charge: $8.00
  • Statement type: A monthly statement will be provided with check images.
  • Benefits:
    • 450 personalized club checks printed at no charge per year
    • Unlimited image check processing
    • Free Notary Service
    • Free Cashier’s Checks (limit 5 per month)
    • Free Personal Money Orders (limit 5 per month)
    • First Debit/ATM card free per account holder
    • First year free on any size safe deposit box
    • $100.00 credit on home loan closing
  • Dormant fee: You must make a deposit or a withdrawal at least once every 186 days or maintain a minimum balance of $500.00 or you will be charged $3.00 per month.
Balance Plus

For all qualifying accounts this is an overdraft privilege designed for a rainy day. If you need to overdraw you account, we’ve got you covered up to $500. All you have to do is pay our normal NSF charge for each check you overdraw and bring you account to a positive balance within 30 days.

Health Savings Account

A tax exempt trust or custodial account established for the purpose of paying medical expenses in conjunction with a high deductible health care plan.





P: (573) 793-2224


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